The strip-down has reached the point at which, by removing six bolts, the main portion of the frame can be removed. This would leave the engine, lower frame rails and shaft drive in position. However I have left the frame in place (and the rear wheel) in order to think about tank and seat options.

I'd been thinking about a fairly square-edged design to match the cylinders, but have recently discovered a build on an engineering company's site in New Zealand that utilised a tank, or replica tank, from a Ducati 750 bevel. Seeing a fibreglass replica of that available in the UK, with what seems to be the right dimensions, brought on a flurry of measuring. It looks to be a good fit, wide enough to clear the frame at all points. The shape's lovely and trying to get a tank doesn't seem that easy so I don't want to look a gift horse in the mouth. However, I'm hesitating as I'm now starting to wonder whether the tank has actually got to be wider than the frame rails at all points, (which the 750 design is), just like the V50's own tank). This is because I've seen some nice bikes where the edges of their tanks are resting on the frame tubes for at least part of their length. This would bring some squarer tank designs I've seen and liked back into play. Still the 750 rep I'm looking at buying has one of those great see-through fuel strips. That wasn't in the plan but they are so cool.
More thinking to be done - lack of cash is providing the time for thought...
Even if I go for the Ducati design, I won't use a matching "boat tail" seat unit as the New Zealand builder has. I want the bike to be different, more 70's/80's racer, so the tail will be squarer and possibly flipped up, as in the blue sketch. I'm thinking long and hard about whether to construct the tail myself, possibly from sheet alloy, as it seems an achievable step toward more fabrication. However, there are some suitable 'glass units on the web which I could modify. I'm going on a welding course in January which may also have some bearing on the decision.
Speaking of the welding course, that got me in trouble with Mrs Cutter who really wanted to learn welding, particularly so she could pose around being all industrial and "badass". I had an evil impulse while suffering "late life/work crisis" one dayand just booked myself on it. I suggested my fragrant shed-partner she could go on it too, that would be fine, although its quite a few sponduliks so not a great idea to double up. She's nobly decided to go on an introduction to motorcycle mechanics course instead, thereby doubling the relevant knowledge the 'shack will hold in coming months - huzzah!!
More great news - the amazing Dutch and Duchess from The Bike Shed blog, have decided to follow up their successful Cafe, Bobber and Tracker show "The Event" with an early sequel to round off the biking year. The last one was a total blast and I don't say that just because the Chicken Shack Ducati was shown there.
Dutch and co. are at the vanguard of those championing the retro custom scene and bringing it to a wider bike-loving and petrolhead audience. The vibe was amazing at the first show as I've mentioned in an earlier post. Friendly, buzzing, a real community feel, and lovely place to hang around and see gorgeous pro and shed builds, buy cool clothing, get some ace ink, chow down on gourmet burgers, get a cut, buy art, and spot the bike journos with an eye for something different. NOTICE - all of the above phenomena were super-real rather than crapola sometimes witnessed at more conventional won't see acres of knock-off textiles and corporate "meh!" here.
Get it in your calendar - many people were wailing and gnashing teeth at missing the last one, especially when they saw the quality of the show in the pics, TV, blog, and magazine coverage that followed.
Find out all about it here:
One last item. The sole surviving shack namesake, "Dixie" continues to be obsessed with shed life. At any opportunity she walks in and follows a ritual:
Dust bath in floor concrete dust, bug hunt round the shack, hop onto bench and inspect tools and parts, hop down and then onto frame of the Guzzi which she seems to think is a tree for evening roosting (like what wild chickens do don'cha know). She will happily roost on the bike all evening. Downside is the guano deposits, so I have taken to perching her on one of my bike stands.
Here she supervises Mr's Cutter's work and advises on front-end disassembly..
Yeah we know flip-flops aren't good workshop wear, this was on a break....